I read in a Garfield Treasury: Jim Davis, the creator of Garfield, his own dad preferred Beetle Bailey over Garfield.
My own dad never took time to read my comics either, but he enjoyed Cowboys and The Back Forty.
The green “Read more” hyperlinks have extra stuff tucked away, as it’s to keep the main index column a good “Mari Kon” Method minimal. 😁
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I believe in the Resurrection.
My angry bro will hug me again, and I will find where my passed-away parents are still alive. I can sense it. ❤️
Secret: My Dad, in 1998, though conservative, he dressed up like a girl for my 8th grade BAMM (Bassett Area Mat Men) wrestling league drag themed wrestling season party.
I believe in the Resurrection and my God-rest parents await me in the PanGeo Continent Heaven “which is Australia” 🇲🇭 The more my flesh aged into asexuality, the more I realized I am more spirit than flesh. I am pure radio waves. #DialecticallyMeansApproxXact
Older News from 2016ish, still good INFO as confirmed info today! (SteamPowered) 😁 ComiPo! Manga Maker from SteamStore FREE updates for many years on just 1 time purchase license. ComiPo! is a perfect easy Manikin (digital Mannequin) for anatomy (posed) reference for cartoonist cartoon anatomy, super simple!
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