🐍 “Jake” Jilg

🦍 He is a creep! We gotta kill him!

🐒 Oh come on. He most likely doesn’t think all those things which you claim he thinks. If you don’t agree, please think about how that phrase works.

🦧 Thoughts fly around my head like birds. I only keep the ones I like. I shoo fixated thoughts which are like the birds trying to nest in my hair.

Jacob Underslung’s childhood puppy Sweet Cerberus 🐾

We all seem to have a super auto forgiveness for good people who have a few seedy stories of when the Devil got the better of them. I know I do, because it makes me feel less alone. Boys will be boys, wild oats, Devil his due, these are all expressions which means My guilty conscience drove me to Jesus. We all seem to proverbially have been a dirty “mud”, a mushy slimy mud clay slick, until God kindly kneads us into beautiful pottery. ❤

(Read more…)

The 40 year old virgin Jacob Underslung, from Hay The Sloügh, his childhood puppy has 4 heads. Jacob was called Jake as a boy for whatever reason. Jake only had 1 girlfriend, a short prom date, her name as Odnale Anamord.

However his 4 headed hound was the talk of the town. During many of his childhood/teenager dog walks, girls and woman would marvel at young Jake and his friend Sweet Cerberus, to take a group selfie together with boy and his dog.

In the High School Year Book 🪃

He even had his own section of group images in the high school year book, Jake, Cerberus, a 16 page gallery (personally dedicated) of group photos taken with him, his dog, and: every girl of the town, every woman of the town, and even many ladies from outside of town.

Femputer says: Masturbate = Mother Maker Stick + Torment It (until the flesh is spongey and bruised).

Underslung childhood dog Cerberus Puppy / A Loving Friend + A cumbersome handful at times 🤣

Old 4 headed Family Dog Sweet Cerberus on his death bed, tells Jacob to never go by the name Jake ever again. May come back from Dog Heaven sporadically to haunt Jacob and raise old mischief from time to time as a ghost hound.

The 5 Stages of Change “Learning”

1. Pre contemplation, I don’t know.

2. Contemplation, I do know.

3. Preparation, I want to stop.

4. Action, I do stop.

5. Maintenance, I never repeat.

6. The Bonus Dual / Hyper co-stage is: Relapse vs. Determination.

Pent [Greek]: 5 = 5 (5 weighed as 5)

Penta [Latin] = 5, Example “Pentateuch”

Pent [root]: Weighs As

🐍 Serpent (therefore)
≈ MisWeigh / SurJudge


🤔 Repent: 🤨 Get fact Correct! 🙂