Jacob JiLG

Library Chillin’

Epiphany 🇬🇧 = Satori 🪷

💡 😳 Epiphany 🤣 Good is ONE SIDED (as one) 🥲 Symbolically, I do live in a fine machine system! If I turn bad, The whole machine turns bad! ⚙️

🏛️ 🇺🇸 Every book or periodical which has passed thrü the Library of Congress aligned horizontally would span the Earth’s Equator.

The Washington DC Juggernaut “Library of Congress” has (ish) 176,000,000 original shelved titles dating back to 1400s Incunabula (hand printed books ✍️🪶).

The Internet’s Leviathan (Hindi: Bahamut) Astrogogy Google keeps track of over 500,000,000 active blogs (Websters: Web Log).


🐝 There is only one of you. Bet on yourself, and you’ll never be disappointed. Praise and Thank Jesus!

The true loving society already shares books for FREE. After The Christian “event” 🎄 all books in the world will become FREE, and all the GOOD world art will be easier to find on the internet. ⛏️



🐈 BasTet + GarfTet 🐈‍⬛

I am an iceberg. You can see me as a snowball.

𓄿𓂀 Yummy yum! 𓃠 – A Lasagna! (read more…)

This is a simple 5 minutes of good art. Please Do not diminish the lifetime which is “me” for your own mistakenly false beliefs.

Now, for a moment please try to imagine life, the world, all the places you know, and all the people you have ever seen, carrying on just as they always do, but consider one thing: That world doesn’t have you in it. It scares the Heck out of me. Never think of others from an outside view, but please look out through their eyes and know why they have those shoes.


🐍 “Jake” Jilg

🦍 He is a creep! We gotta kill him!

🐒 Oh come on. He most likely doesn’t think all those things which you claim he thinks. If you don’t agree, please think about how that phrase works.

🦧 Thoughts fly around my head like birds. I only keep the ones I like. I shoo fixated thoughts which are like the birds trying to nest in my hair.

Jacob Underslung’s childhood puppy Sweet Cerberus 🐾

We all seem to have a super auto forgiveness for good people who have a few seedy stories of when the Devil got the better of them. I know I do, because it makes me feel less alone. Boys will be boys, wild oats, Devil his due, these are all expressions which means My guilty conscience drove me to Jesus. We all seem to proverbially have been a dirty “mud”, a mushy slimy mud clay slick, until God kindly kneads us into beautiful pottery. ❤


God is With Me

Jesus is Lord!

A cartoonist only makes fun doodles to gaze at, but: print-mill, warehouse workers, and book factory mechanics do way more useful and tangible work than the cartoonist.

I don’t fear poverty.

I might couldn’t make my Disney Cartoon as exquisite without my tools, but Jesus will never let me starve.

Walt Disney’s 1 animated mouse short movie spawned the Disney corporation and 12-13ish Lincoln Ne sized WorldWide theme parks.

God can work a miracle in me for marketing an animated mouse is of the impossible, which is God’s job.

In computer skills I assume I’m smarter than my (God rest) Dad and Walt Disney both, who were super landowners.

Praise Jesus and parents who raise us orphans! ❤️ Thank you.

Isaac’s son Jacob was “among-the-tents” (a mamma’s boy to Rebecca) till his age 70ish.

Sloügh Tübe

Porkiscent = like:Affluent + Joyous

be way MOAR “Porkiscent” ⚡️🐝‼️


💙🐝🛡️❤️‍🔥☔️ prediction is not perfect; nobody is perfect; machines are not perfect; JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH is PERFECT! 🙏 I’m ready to end my beastly bad sleeping habit, and every night sleep like a happy baby without any bad habits!

🎼 Comix Plan Roughs 📓

Jacob JiLG

I’ve been creating this graphical novel since 1994, 10 years old.


Corpus Hamasitheus Greek Opus Athens

Life Understanding Faith Intelligence Guidance

Pig Logic, Greek Opus Athens, Corpus Hamasitheus Marcus Consensus
(boar son of Boar Markitheus)
Greek Porcus: LUFIG THE PIG

Porkiscent = like:Affluent + Joyous

be way MOAR “Porkiscent” ⚡️🐝‼️

I AM Delightfully “Porkiscent” = I NEVER had 1 day without + I have XTRA + I seek MORE 😁 or ELSE 😭 (more joyous than affluent)

🚧 W.I.P. Work in Progress ☔️ prediction is not perfect; nobody is perfect; machines are not perfect; JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH is PERFECT!

🐖 I’m ready to end my beastly bad sleeping habit, and every night sleep like a happy baby with no bad habits!

hint: FREE will = BENT will (unless GOOD will, then: enslaved to sin BENT)


by LUFIG the pig
